
3rd of March 2020
We're already into March 2020 and I have finally got Digital Dru's first 2 research and development 3D projects of the year online! As always there has been many more commercial projects going on but due to client confidentiality they have opted for their projects to remain private due to the sensitive nature of the oil industry bidding process.
The first project is a revisit to the Anakin Skywalker lightsaber 3D model. It has been improved and adapted for an animated scene where the lightsaber is summoned by a Jedi. This involved a mix of 3D renders, masks with post-production effects and concept timing of the animation itself. Various techniques were exploited creating this project including the use a cloth modifier to simulate the movement of the robe on the hand and arm that catches the lightsaber. Overall a fun experiment which I am sure to come back to again in the future.
The second project was created as a pitch for creating 3D procedures showing various installations of concrete mattresses onto seabed's. This example shows 2 simple scenes showing both the overboarding and installation process of the ROV releasing the mattress onto the seabed. A straightforward animation and at the core of what Digital Dru can provide as a service. If you have the time please enjoy a review of both projects using the links below.
If you have any questions please feel free to get in touch.
Lightsaber Summon
Concrete Mattress Installation
28th of August 2019
That's our new product design example online, the friendship ring. One of our many services is 3D visualisation, creating representations of any product that our clients may desire. This allows clients to promote their product in ways that would be impossible before manufacturing them. Please feel free to have a look or get in touch if you have any questions.
Friendship Ring
21st of August 2019
It's been over 5 months since Digital Dru's last blog entry but do not take that as if we don't care! It's just we've been that busy! Many of our clients work in the oil industry and have chosen to keep their projects private, but..... we have just completed an animation based on the NASA Dawn spacecraft. This project demonstrated how to create numerous space scenes using a combination of 3D animation and post-production effects. I decided to create an animation of these scenes to show a rough overview of the Dawn spacecraft's journey to Vesta and then Ceres over almost an 8-year period. If you have any questions please feel free to get in touch.
Dawn's Mission
11th of March 2019
Our latest project fresh off the line is a 3D visualisation for AK Architecture. The brief was to create realistic images of a proposed shopfront on Union Street, Aberdeen for the new Grampian Credit Union location. We created a selection of realistic visualisations and a small animation to demonstrate what the final build may look like on completion. Please feel free to have a look and get in touch.
Grampian Credit Union
25th of February 2019
That's our new Animation showreel online and ready to view in our services section. Our Animation services cover from simple 2D motion graphics to detailed 3D animated movies, whether the project is a 10 second corporate identity movie or a 30 minute fully animated feature. We can work to a defined product or project brief, or help you storyboard your 3D animation for maximum impact and cost effectiveness depending on your requirements. Please feel free to have a look and get in touch.
Services - Animation Showreel
22nd of February 2019
As of today 4 new diverse projects have just been completed and uploaded online. These include a community centre visualisation, a corporate identity animation, a selection of offshore projects and an environment and texture test using a lightsaber as the test subject. Please feel free to have a look and get in touch.
Community Centre Visualisation
AK Architecture Ident
Offshore Projects
Anakin Skywalker Lightsaber
20th of February 2019
Welcome to Digital Dru's new website! It's been a long time coming but finally I have found the time to update my own website with a brand new look and colour scheme with a host of new features.
Currently Digital Dru is very busy a selection of new projects that are in the process of being developed or at the post production phase. I hope you will take some time to look through my service and project sections and it you have any questions or potential projects please feel free to get in touch.